***VIKTOR INSTRUCTONAL TOOLS. 11915 Maplewood Ave., Edmonds, WA 98026. (206) 742-3502. THE GATE. The Gate is a low-security flexible package that allow to filter access to computer and/or to the separate applications run by batch files. The Gate creates log of the users, their passwords, dates, time of start and finish, and time spent, either on the whole computer or separate applications, run by batch files. In order to operate The Gate, the commands lines need to be inserted at least once or, in order to get time of finish, twice, into the batch files that run applications. Format of the command line that initiates welcome screen: gate start where parameters: w[atch] - supress welcome screen; in the log file record created with generic name INTRUDER; integer 0-9 - number of unsuccessful attempts allowed; s[ound] - sound alarm generated after number of unsuccessful attempts; m[essage] - message displayed on the welcome screen after number of unsuccessful attempts; the source of the message is text file VIKMESS.TXT, residing in the current directory; parameters can be used in any order. If the parameter w[atch] is used, all the other parameters are ignored. Instead words watch, sound or message any other words can be used that start with the corresponding characters. Format of the command line that concludes the session: gate The command lines can be residing in the different batch files. The first command line of the duplex displays welcome screen that asks first, last name and password. If the file VIKCONTR.TXT is present in the current directory, program checks input against content of the file. Format of the file: last name (up to 15 characters); first name (up to 15 characters); password (optional, up to 5 characters). The fields can be separated by one or several spaces, commas, tabs, semicolons. If password is absent in the corresponding record, the welcome screen accepts any password or no password at all. The successful input along with computer clock date and time then is recorded in the file VIKCUST.TXT: First Name; Last Name; Password; Date; Time of Start; The second line of the duplex adds 2 fields to the the record: time of finish; time spent. If during the session the command line GATE (without parameters) is encountered, program adds time of finish and time spent fields; time spent counted from the beginning of the session. To provide unsophisticated user the with easy way to install or delete The Gate in the most common case, that is to secure the whole computer, two additional commands introduced: gate install and gate delete . Instructions to install: a) insert program diskette in the drive A or B; b) gate install . Program updates AUTOEXEC.BAT file with the first line gate start and saves the old AUTOEXEC.BAT under name AUTOEXEC.OLD. It also copies program GATE.EXE into the root directory. c) using any text editor, create VIKCONTR.TXT file in the root directory. format: last name (up to 15 characters); first name (up to 15 characters); password (optional, up to 5 characters); as separators can be used spaces, colons, semicolons, tabs; d) using any text editor, create VIKMESS.TXT file containing message to be displayed after unsuccessful attempts (optional, cannot be used with parameter W[atch]). Instructions to delete: issue command GATE DELETE at the DOS prompt. **** Synopsis: The Gate is a small but hard working program. In can wear several hats. For example it can display Welcome Screen and ask name and password of the user. The answer, along with date and time, is placed into log file. When the user finishes the application, the gate silently add to his record time of the finish and the time span. If the control file is not present in the current directory any input into the Welcome Screen are accepted; but, if the file is present, the name and password are checked. Some records in the control file may contain only first and last names. In that situations any password or no password input from the user is acceptable. In some situations the computer owner may use The Gate as silent watchman: no screen displayed, but activity is registered in the log file under generic name Intruder. Some owners, paranoid and otherwise, may be curious if anybody tinkered with their computers after hours. The program offers the user a variable number of attempts to enter his/her names and passwords, but then it send process to the security routine. The security can make hapless user to stare for variable time span at appropriate variable message, or emit a wailing siren. After 30 seconds the cycle is repeated. With approprate setting of batch files the program can be used as a punch clock to check attendance, or it can provide management with tool to obtain statistics of the usage of computer and/or applications. *** NOTE: In the shareware version of the program the key is enabled.